I have mentioned BIM as a CT scanner which knows the problems you are facing, and can help you fix those problems effectively. But in particular, what are those issues?
BIM has been in the construction industry since the 1970s but it has not been in recent years that it has become more popular and recognized. However, there is no denying that there is a difference in knowledge about BIM worldwide. There has not been a specific study covering all countries in the world, but there are still a number of reports made based on samples of large countries where BIM adoption is common.
This blog will bring you a clearer view of the benefits they receive from the application of BIM.
Reduce error
At the end of 2013, a study based on published data of companies in 10 countries (Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, United Kingdom and United States) was carried out and presented by McGraw Hill about the experiences they had when applying BIM in their work.
Nearly half of the answers McGraw Hill received (41%) were the main advantage they received from BIM in reducing errors and omissions during the design phase. This factor also helps them reduce the cost of time and materials, becoming an engine that brings other advantages.
We are all human, so mistakes are inevitable. Not only that, the quality control processes also require a lot of effort and time. Repeated review process may lead to unnecessary errors.

With BIM, this does not mean that you do not need to check any information, it means that some of the information will be more accurate from the beginning, and other information can be reviewed and evaluated faster.
Process improvement
One of the advantages that BIM brings to users is the way it streamlines the process from design to construction for any project. In the past, when BIM was not well known, architects and engineers often coordinated many different tools in the process of from idea to design, construction. These software are usually separate and not linked to each other, so when connecting the processes, engineers will take a lot of time. However, as BIM evolved, it began to expand its functions and cover every stage of design and construction, allowing the architect to operate on only one platform when moving from this stage. to another stage. The smoothness in this process gives the company incredible benefits in terms of performance.
When using BIM, users have the ability to eliminate the waiting period between two phases of transition. From the basic fundamentals, engineers and architects can model the original ideas to get a realistic view of the feasibility of the project.

As such, BIM helps architects and engineers launch a project earlier by not putting effort into the details, it also made the project more flexible when they could sketch the project with any form (sketching by hand, using the sketch program they like, taking pictures of drawings with a phone, etc.) then putting it into the software and scanning it as the basis for the 3D model. This makes architects and engineers feel comfortable to design it any way they want.
Integrated clash detection
Previously, clash detection was not available in BIM software. Architects are required to use additional software or external applications to identify conflicts and between elements and systems. Today, the integration of collision detection in BIM has continued to streamline the workflow of architects.
During the design process, in addition to architects and construction engineers, other industry groups were added in turn as structural engineers and MEPs. Together with a group of other personnel, these people provide continuous updates or modifications to the project model. However, BIM software makes this process easier to manage by the principal coordinator of the model, usually the management architect.
Once system updates have been introduced, models will be tested to look for any issues or conflicts that may exist between different elements and systems, and detect gaps and weaknesses in the design.

For example, through BIM, the architect can detect conflicts between the foundation system and the piping system, and will also identify any mechanical components that have penetrated the pipe, or if plumbing collides with the base or other types of clashes may exist between the systems, so they can be repaired before they cause a problem during the construction phase.
Accurate documentation
During the course of a project, building the document system is the architect's most time-consuming task. Therefore, the automation and management of documents is always a desirable issue in the construction industry. And now it has become one of BIM's most acclaimed benefits

BIM can be considered as a revolution in documents and models, in which both the key roles in this project are automatically connected. Document changes lead to immediate changes in the model and vice versa, a change in the model creates an instant update for all documents. And with that result, the document is now a product of the design process rather than a separate stage as before.
For example, when an architect interacts with a 3D model, pulls or pushes structural elements or redefines a material, the changes will simultaneously be changed accordingly in the 2D document immediately without requiring the designer to update every drawing, schedule or description of relevant components manually.
This automated process ensures that architects can clearly and accurately communicate the intent of the model design and at the same time eliminate errors caused by project members entering the wrong information or for some reason, the information entered is not effectively recorded in the document.
The mobile BIM model
The amount of information for a project is enormous, and the BIM model is built on that. However, the benefits of BIM do not lie in that huge database, but in the way data can easily be accessed by all members of the project team.
The project team is a multidisciplinary team, usually consisting of an MEP engineer, environmental engineer, construction engineer, structural engineer, interior architect, landscape engineers, general contractors, subcontractors, etc. The diversity in these fields of expertise creates difficulties because some of the stakeholders are not proficient in BIM or track work based on mobile devices. Mostly, it makes it difficult to keep track of the work progress because mobile devices will face many limitations.
With BIM, the BIM project model and related documents can be loaded onto mobile devices and taken to customer meetings or anywhere.
For instance, with BIM present on mobile devices, an architect at a construction site discusses a problem with a construction manager, HE can access the model on the phone. mobile and even send directly to the construction manager's tablet. In addition, the rest of the team can also share and collaborate on projects by tablets and smartphones.

Mobile BIM solutions allow designs to go beyond the limits of desktop computers. Put simply, it helps you package the entire 3D model of the project in a bag, or even a pocket, and bring it to the construction site, or it can be uploaded to the cloud.
Over a long period of time, BIM has proven it to be a great tool that brings great advantages to the construction industry. Projects using BIM during and after each development period are believed to have greater success and maximum performance for other projects.

BIM can provide the industry with the opportunity therefore to raise the quality of the industry to a much higher and more sophisticated level. Capable of simulating a range of data options with real-time cost advice and execution throughout the detailed design, construction and commissioning phases, BIM will undoubtedly place construction activities at higher value.
Now that you know what you can benefit from BIM, hopefully our industry can take full advantage of what BIM has to offer and move forward together.