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  • Writer's picturehanhoang4

Our very own Jim Bedrick gave our team a workshop and a lecture at BIMVNC.

Our Chief Industry Advisor Jim Bedrick, FAIA, LEED AP visited Vietnam for the first time to give our team a workshop on LOD. Jim also gave a talk for the BIM Vietnam Community on Defining LOD in the US. Jim is co-chair of LOD committee for the BIM  Forum in the United States. We were lucky enough to have Jim providing us with the details of the LOD development and its current status within our industry. 

If you follow BIM or understand what BIM is, you will understand the significance that LOD has on our industry. LOD is the foundation and a basis for what we do and serves as a tool to measure the completeness of BIM models. 

Additionally, Jim has also been selected to be on the International BIM Steering Committee for Vietnam and will support the Ministry of Construction along with the Institute of Construction Economics for advancing BIM throughout Vietnam. 

For more information and pictures of this event, please visit the BIMVNC Facebook page


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