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MEPF modeling.

We set the BIM standards for modeling.

We have completed over 15 Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and FIre Protection (MEPF) modeling projects since 2014. Here are some of the really cool ones. 

A few of our  MEPF BIM projects.


Complete MEPF BIM models for as-builts.


This project comes from the United States. We were given the task to build a complete BIM MEPF system of an already constructed residential building.

With a team of 3 modelers and one BIM manager, we completed this project in 2 weeks.

Office building.

Mechanical, Plumbing and Electrical BIM models.


Located in Singapore, this project was created for BIM submission to the BCA BP approval process. The hardest and most difficult tasks for this project was the creation of the drawing documents. Since most were already done in CAD, we had to figure out how to maximize the models to be as flexible as the drawings. 

With a team of 3 modelers and 1 coordinator and 1 manager. 

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