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ID Link



This tool helps users to get quickly the ‘element id’ parameter value of an element.

Id Link.png

In Revit >> THE BIM TOOLS | TBF Ribbon in GENERAL panel:

A.   Id Link : Helps users get the Element ID parameter of a family instance / element from a linked model on the current project.

B.   Id Element: Helps users get the Element ID parameter of a family instance / element on the current project.

  1. Click on the tool icon you wish to use.

  2. Click on a single element either from a linked model if the user chose Id Link  or an element of the current project if the user chose the Id Element. 

  3.  A window will appear and the Element ID will be

Pro-Tip: this tool works best by:
a.       Assign it to a keyboard shortcut for quicker access of the tool
b.       Using it with the OOTB Revit Commands for inter-discipline/project coordination :
                .   Select by ID – then paste the copied id while opening  the other project then
                .   Selection box (BX) – to create a 3d view for the selected element.


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