The BIM process is a very tricky and yet attractive at the same time. With BIM, companies are able to do much more and be very efficient. However, in order to understand the process, this requires extensive learning and practice. THE BIM FACTORY was recently awarded the task to train and transfer our BIM knowledge to 2 internationally-recognized companies in Vietnam on a project-based cases.
TBF assigned our modelers and coordinators to the project at our client's office as well as providing modeling work off-site in our office. Our scope is to provide process training during the design phase to the project teams to complete the challenging tasks of building a proper BIM model as well as support the production of documentations.
Our first new client is a large international Architectural design firm and the other is a world-leading European engineering company. Due to NDA signed and the nature of the project, we cannot disclose the names of the companies or project at this time. But we are very excited to be in the position to support and help these company to be BIM-enabled.
